The rezoning proposal for the Wentworth Point Urban Activation Precinct includes apartments, maritime facilities, a large peninsula park, a school and connections to the nearby Sydney Olympic Parklands. It is on exhibition until 16 August 2013.
Video, click here :
The exhibited documents can be viewed:
It is important for the department to understand what the community thinks about the proposal. At Wentworth Point we have met regularly with a community reference group as planning for the precinct progressed.
During the exhibition period, community information sessions will be held at the Waterfront Function Centre (9 The Crescent, Wentworth Point) so everyone can learn about the proposal and have their questions answered. Each information session is limited to 50 people and more sessions will be added if required.
Register to attend an information session by clicking on the time and date or call 1300 305 695 or 9228 6333:
An artist’s impression of the street view within Wentworth Point |
A number of other artist’s impressions of the new development are also available:
The precinct is close to ferry services and could provide new housing, education uses and social infrastructure to help meet Sydney’s growth needs. There is demand for people to live in this area to be close to employment, public space and recreation facilities at Sydney Olympic Park.
The precinct could deliver new housing, education and improved public spaces, maritime facilities and pedestrian and cycle links.